Best Ways to Get a Free Laptop no Strings Attached

A laptop is a type of computer that is portable. It is sometimes known as a notebook computer by manufacturers and has a battery or AC-power capability. The computer is generally smaller than a briefcase, and you can conveniently transport it from one place to another. A laptop becomes handy when traveling by plane or researching in libraries, temporary offices, or meetings. We shall look at how to get a free laptop no strings attached later.

Everybody is entitled to have a laptop to use for their activities. We all understand that times have changed whereby many things have gone digital. Activities such as learning, engineering, financial transactions, business management, and others have become digital, and thus the need to have a laptop. Almost every college nowadays requires you to join with a laptop to make your learning easier.

Since not everyone can afford a laptop, there is a need to help those who require the laptops but have no way to access them. We have financial companies that offer computer financing where you can pay a little amount until you finish repaying for the machine. However, since we are looking at ways you will get a laptop without any strings attached, we have to check where one can get a free laptop.

What are the best ways to get a free laptop no strings attached

You can get a free laptop without needing to pay any money or provide any service. Usually, these services are from non-governmental organizations. The following are the various non-governmental organizations that you can rely on for a free computer.

1) On It Foundation

The On It Foundation works with the existing computer access centers, education institutions, businesses, and the surrounding local areas to help in the technological advancement and achievement of the country’s disadvantaged youth. The On It Foundation’s mission is to provide free computers plus computer training and Internet access to low-income households, with students in grades K-12 receiving a free or reduced school lunch as long as they reside within the United States.

The organization came into being after the founder’s painful experience of inability to buy a computer for her daughter, who was taking computer classes. She opted to find help from non-governmental organizations, but she did not get any aid at all. She thus thought about establishing an organization to provide free laptops for low-income families.

To apply for a free computer, a parent/guardian for the needy student must write to the organization requesting a free computer. They should provide details such as the Student’s Name, Age, Grade, School Address, School Name, and school phone information. Also, the application should include the parent/guardian’s name, phone number, and address.

The parent or guardian should sign the application letter. Also, you will provide proof from the school the student qualifies for free or reduced school lunch. Once you have completed the writing, you can mail the Letter of Request and statement from the learning institution to The On It Foundation Attn: Free Computer Application 18520 NW 67th Avenue, Suite 186 Miami, FL 33015. You can also send an e-Mail to get support.

2) PCs For People

PCs for People is a non-governmental organization that recycles electronics and gives refurbished computers to low-income households. Through electronic reuse, the organization provides the opportunity for all low-income people to benefit from the life-changing impact of computers plus low-cost internet. The platform’s refurbished computers have helped many people around the US, thus enabling access to better healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. So far, the company has distributed over 180,000 computers to needy people.

PCs for People beneficiaries range from various groups such as high-schoolers, college students, working professionals, and seniors. PCs for People contributes to environmental conservation by intercepting usable computers before being discarded to the environment and refurbishing them for reuse.

Most businesses usually retire computers before their usable life, increasing electronic waste worldwide. Therefore, the organization offers businesses a certified secure electronic recycling service. To get a free computer from the organization, you can apply.

3) National Cristina Foundation

National Cristina Foundation is a private, non-governmental organization that creates a positive outcome for future generations. The organization was a pioneer in the concept of technology reuse when it started its operations in 1984. It has actively worked to eliminate the digital divide over the past years. The organization promotes the practice of recycling to support human potential. Again, the organization advocates that no person should lag due to the digital divide challenges.

To receive a free laptop, you must be eligible. You can visit the organization’s website to register and apply for a free laptop. Also, you can donate computers and laptops to the organization so that they can help the poor. The only challenge with the organization is that the National Cristina Foundation does not provide computers directly to individuals.

4) Freecycle

The Freecycle Network is among the various non-governmental organizations that offer free laptops and other stuff to eligible persons. It has more than 5,000 local Town groups with over nine million members across the globe. Its grassroots are people giving (and getting) goods for free in their own towns and avoiding throwing things into the landfills. You can become a member for free; everything posted should be accessible and appropriate for all ages.

Once you sign up with, you can join one or more local groups and, if possible, invite some local friends to create a Friends Circle. You create posts about things you want to receive or gifts. If you need a computer, you can then include it as the thing you want to receive. Once the other members check what you need, they can reply, and then you arrange for a pickup time and location.

The Freecycle’s mission is to build a worldwide sharing forum that reduces waste, saves precious resources, and eases the burden on the available landfills while enabling its members to benefit from the strength of a larger community.

5) Computer With Causes

Computers with Causes is a nonprofit giving platform that is a broad-based community for charitable giving on an individual and corporate level. Therefore, if you need a laptop, it might be easy to get one from the organization. The highly effective charitable programs can impact the quality of life for many.

You can also donate computers to help the company to continue assisting those in need of a computer and nowhere to get one. The platform receives thousands of requests yearly through its computer application page and is committed to helping the less fortunate. Therefore, apart from getting a free computer, you can also donate to help those in need.

To make your application, you should visit the platform and apply online. You can apply for a refurbished computer gifted by the organization’s generous donors to help schools, children in foster homes, low-income families, the elderly, nonprofits, and disabled veterans in need.

6) Alliance For Technology

The Alliance for Technology Refurbishing and Reuse has several growing nonprofit technology refurbishers whose aim is to increase the awareness of the contributions of their organizations to people in need. The organization aims to establish a common voice for all similar and affiliate organizations that can benefit directly or indirectly from low-cost and no-cost computers.

As a member of the platform, you can make a personal commitment to pledge your support to the nonprofit refurbishing and reuse community and provide low-cost or free technology to those who need it. Needy people can also apply online for a laptop.

7) Everyone On

Everyone On helps to unlock social and economic opportunities by connecting people in the needy communities to afford internet service and computers. The organization also provides digital skills through training. Since 2012, the organization has connected over 1,000,000 people to the internet and provided 5,000+ computers.

It has also helped to deliver digital skills training to hundreds of beneficiaries in the past two years. The platform works closely with various partners to provide communities nationwide computer, internet, and skills training.

Can you get a free laptop from the government?

The government allows you to get a free laptop when applying for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The program replaced the Emergency Broadband Benefit program from the Federal Communications Commission. The ACP program offers affordable broadband to eligible households.

If you apply for the ACP, you can also get a chance to get a subsidized computer. Eligible households can also obtain a one-time discount of up to $100 to buy a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet from participating providers. You only need to contribute more than $10 and at least $50 toward the purchase price.

You can qualify by income, whereby you should have income at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines or participate in various government benefit programs such as Food Stamps (now SNAP), Medicaid, and Federal Public Housing Assistance, among others. You only need to qualify with one benefit. Therefore, getting a free laptop with Food Stamps is possible only.

Bottom line

Laptops are essential devices that help us run various tasks requiring computer intervention. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford laptops, yet they need them dearly. There are non-governmental organizations that offer free laptops to the needy. You only need to apply and show that you need the laptops. Also, apart from the NGOs, you can get a subsidized laptop from the government through the Affordable Connectivity Program.