On It Foundation, also known as Opportunities Necessary to Increase Technology, is a publicly certified non-profit organization started in November 1999. The organization has now offered over 2000 On It Foundation free laptops to eligible families. This NGO offers free laptops and computers, training, and Internet to eligible low-income families with students studying in grades K-12 who are recipients of a free or reduced school lunch, an enrollees in a public school, and who live within the United States.
Nowadays, most activities get done online. Thus laptops and digital technology have become must-have tools in today’s households, businesses, offices, and schools. For college students, it seems expensive to afford a new laptop, but luckily, there are ways to obtain a free laptop for college students. While some government programs and charitable organizations have strict eligibility requirements for obtaining a free laptop, On it Foundation is the perfect program for you.
The ON IT Foundation free laptops get issued on a first-come-first-served basis. Thus, if a device is unavailable for your family at the time of application, you will wait in line until one becomes available. The program offers one laptop per student and 20 hours of computer training plus internet service. Additionally, the organization has provided over 7500 volunteer hours of computer training to eligible free laptop recipients. On It Foundation free laptop is available to low-income families with children in grades K-12.
How To Get On It Free Laptops
The On It Foundation does not offer free laptops for people outside the United States and organizations. On the other hand, individuals and organizations who don’t qualify may buy discount laptops through the Jump On It Program. Notably, free laptop issuance depends on availability. If laptops are unavailable, your name will be slotted on a waiting list to be informed as soon as donations become available
The process of issuing free laptops to eligible students in low-income families is provided as follows. On It Foundation obtains donations of excess computers and laptops from corporations and individuals. Networking engineers upgrade the device to ensure the laptops are fully equipped and operational. Then the laptops/computers are distributed directly to eligible students’ homes by the technicians. Free laptops and computers are donated depending on availability.
Who is Eligible For On It Foundation to get free laptops
The On It Foundation aims at bridging the technology gap through its mission to offer free laptops and 21st Century skill sets to low-income households with kids in grades K-12 meeting the required income guidelines. To qualify for free equipment, a student must be a beneficiary of a free or reduced school lunch and enrolled in a public school within the United States. Eligible households get 20 hours of instructional training at home, online, or at a CTC (Community Technology Center).
To qualify for a free laptop, one must meet conditions below:
- A student must be in grade K-12
- A free or reduced school lunch recipient
- An attendee in a public school
- A resident within the United States..
How Do I Apply for a Free On It Foundation Laptop
First, a parent or guardian for eligible K-12 students must write to The On It Foundation enquiring about a free laptop. However, information in the letter must include the following:
- Student Name
- Age
- Grade
- School Name
- School Address
- School Phone Information
- Parent/Guardian Name, Address, Phone Number
Most importantly, the guardian or parent must sign the free laptop request letter. Besides, the On it Foundation requires proof from the school on its letterhead that the student receives free or reduced school lunch.
Moreover, you can mail the Letter of Request and the statement from the school to the following:
The On It Foundation Attn: Free Computer Application 18520 NW 67th Avenue, Suite 186 Miami, FL 33015. Again, you may email the Letter of Request to Info TheOnItFoundation org, provided the original signature is in the letter. The On It Foundation demands the original statement from the school concerning the student’s confirmation of receiving the free or reduced school lunch program. Â
Why a Free Laptop is Essential in Today’s Era
Every institution and industry are incorporating technology into their operations. Microsoft Office, typing skills, and general computer literacy have become critical in the workplace and learning institutions. Some job placements and promotions depend on one’s ability to utilize technology.
Therefore, On It Foundation understands that access to a computer and the Internet helps develop technological literacy. The organization offers free laptops to the most critical group to educate youths in schools. Students need laptops to level up academically with other students with access to techy devices at home.
Free laptops from the On it Foundation expose students to technology and essential skills required to compete and succeed in the global economy once they join the workforce. A readily available device such as a laptop in the home and appropriate training for youth during the critical stage of learning enhances their educational achievement, competitive advantage in job opportunities, and earnings.
Moreover, On It Foundation offers free technological tools such as laptops and 21st Century Curriculum to feature STEM Programs. In addition to career assessments, job awareness training for students and their parents. Plus, collaborative courses comprise Service Learning Programs, Physical Education, Nutrition, Self Empowerment, Net-Etiquette, Character Development, Leadership, Financial Literacy, and Social Life Skill Sets and Transition.
Bottom line
On It Foundation is a non-governmental organization that offers free laptop programs to eligible K-12 grade students in America. The free laptop programs have specific eligibility requirements, including enrollment to a public school and free or reduced school lunch benefits recipients. To apply for a free laptop, a parent or guardian must engage the On It Foundation by writing a letter or an email with a request comprising proof of financial assistance.