Best Ways To Get A Free Laptop For Disabled 

Though disability is not an inability, the disabled are among society’s most disadvantaged demographic groups. However, the American Federal Government believes in equality for all its citizens and aims to bridge the digital gap among different social quos. For this reason, there are government sponsored programs that support people with disability like the Social Security Disability (SSD). If you participate in this program, you can receive a free laptop for the disabled and use the device to improve your quality of life from various perspectives.

Eligibility for acquiring a free laptop for disabled people is simple. The first step involves confirming eligibility through the National Verifier. If approved, proceed to the initial step of a free laptop application at Affordable Connectivity Program providers. Many wireless providers and charitable organizations offer this device to the disabled for free. You must prove you are disabled by providing a document like a Social Security statement of benefits certification from a government entity.

Generally, the best way to receive a free laptop for disabled people from the government is through the ACP. This program qualifies a person following participation in a government-aided program such as Social Security Income, Medicaid, etc. Besides, you can also qualify through low-income poverty standards as per the 2023 Federal Poverty Guidelines, as explained later in this article. Another way you can receive a free laptop is through non-governmental organizations supporting disabled people in America.

How To Get Free Laptop For Disabled 

You can acquire a free laptop from the government program known as Affordable Connectivity Program or through various non-government organizations. In this case, the easiest way disabled people can qualify for a free laptop from the government is through the Affordable Connectivity Program. 

This program is managed by the Federal Communication Commission(FCC) and, through a participating wireless provider, grants the eligible disabled applicant a one-time discount of up to $100 on connected devices like laptops, tablets, and desktop computers. To get this discount, eligible customers must co-pay at least $10.01. 

The other place you can find free laptops for disabled people is through the USA’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHS). This department provides grants and assistance for disabled men and women. When applying for a free laptop through this forum, it’s necessary to produce certain records, including identity proof,  income statements, and medical reports.

Qualifications And Application Process For Free Laptop With Disabilities

Eligible low-income individuals who qualify based on federal or state-specific eligibility criteria can apply for a free laptop with disabilities. A disabled person can get a free laptop if they qualify for the ACP through income or program participation.

1. Free Laptop with Disabilities Based on Your Income

There is a specific level of income that categorizes a person as low-income. According to the Federal Poverty Guidelines, a disabled person can apply for a free laptop if the annual household income is 200% or below. However, this guideline depends on your household size and state.

 Below is a table showing the Federal Poverty Provisions in 2023.

Household Size48 Contiguous States, D.C., and TerritoriesAlaskaHawaii
For each additional person, add:$10,280$12,860$11,820

2. Free Laptops with Disabilities Based on Program Participation

Disabled can apply for a free laptop from the government upon qualifying for Social Security Disability and participating in any of these government-supported programs:

  1. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/Food Stamps
  2. Medicaid
  3. WIC
  4. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  5. Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) 
  6. School Breakfast Program or Free and Reduced-Price School Lunch Program
  7. A Federal Pell Grant recipient in the ongoing award year

In this case, you may need to provide a letter, card, or official document showing that you engage in one of the above programs when applying for the free government tablet through ACP.

3. Tribal Assistance Programs

Residents of tribal land can apply for a free laptop for the disabled if they participate in the following:

  1. Head Start (only households attaining the qualifying income standard)
  2. Tribal TANF
  3. Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
  4. Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations

Application Process for Free Laptops For Disabled

You can apply for a free laptop for the disabled in two ways. The first method is to apply through the National Verifier official page at On this page, tap the Apply Now button to fill out all the details, such as your name and address, and attach your documentation. 

Moreover, after receiving approval from the national ACP website, the disabled can apply for a free laptop through a preferred network provider. You can identify a participating wireless provider at  and choose the one with a ‘tick’ under ‘Offering Connected Devices. 

Furthermore, a disabled person can seek assistance with the free government laptop application by contacting the ACP Support Center at ACP Also, you can use the email or call 1- 877-384-2575.

Documentations To Get Free Laptop For Disabled

When applying for a free laptop for the disabled, you must provide a document that shows you qualify based on income or program participation. You can provide any of the following documents:

  1. Statement of benefit from pension
  2. Child support or divorce documentation
  3. Last year’s State/federal income tax returns
  4. Income statement
  5. Paycheck stubs
  6. Statement of benefits from social security statement
  7. Statement of benefit from the veteran’s administration

Organizations That Provides Free Laptops For Disabled

The following organization offers free laptops for disabled men, women, and children.

1. Computers4kids

Computers4kids is a nonprofit program that gives free laptops to low-income families, children, and disabled individuals. This organization has several branches across the USA; many works locally and independently. Thus,  if you want a free laptop for the disabled through them, you should try to locate the regional Computers4kids branch and enquire about the eligibility requirements. 

2. Computer Technology Assistance Corps(CTAC)

CTAC is a donation-based organization that provides affordable laptop computers to eligible low-income families, faith-based organizations, and schools. The organization collects donations, refurbishes them, and passes the savings to eligible recipients.

3. Beaumont Foundation of America

The Beaumont Foundation assists individuals across the USA with financial aid for technology-related equipment, including laptops and computers. The program also offers free laptops for disabled persons. Again, Beaumont Foundation offers grants for the disabled person looking for technological devices to improve their lifestyle.

4. Microsoft Registered Refurbishes

Microsoft is the leading largest tech company in the world. This company has special programs to assist disabled men and women and supply free Microsoft applications to low-income households. Eligible disabled persons get a refurbished Genuine Microsoft free laptop.

How To Get Free Laptop For Adults With Disabilities

If you apply for a free laptop for adults with disabilities based on the Federal programs that offer assistance to people with disabilities, like Supplemental Security Income Disability Program (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you must submit an official document, such as an approval letter. The document should include the name of the government or Tribal entity that issued the document. 

Besides, it should be a recent letter within the past 12 months’ issue date and should categorize the kind of your disability and the qualifying programs.

You can qualify for free laptop for adults with disabilities based on the below programs:

1. Social Security Disability Insurance

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) refers to emergency health insurance for individuals who can’t work due to some form of disability and have not paid into the Social Security system. A written statement from a doctor may help an application. Also, there are several forms to complete, which may help hire a disability lawyer to get the benefits.

2. Supplemental Security Income Disability Program

Supplemental Security Income is a Federal assistive program that depends on financial need. Managed by Social Security, it aims to help low-income people who are elderly or have disabilities. SSI caters to expenses, including clothing, food, and shelter.

How To Get Free Laptops For Disabled Veterans

Veterans refer to ex-members of the armed forces. These individuals are the most dedicated citizens and hard workers in any country, including the United States of America. After retirement, Veterans would still want to work to enhance their standard of living. For this reason, they will need internet and a laptop to look for a suitable job or occupation. Thus, knowing how to get a free laptop for disabled veterans is quite beneficial.

However, Veterans with a disability can get a free laptop under the Computers for Veterans Program. The other organization that. You can get a free laptop for Veterans in the Tech for Troops organizations. This organization aims to provide donated laptops to assist needy veterans and their families. Any qualified veterans throughout the US can get a free laptop provided they produce a certificate of Veterans.

Bottom Line

People with disabilities experience many financial challenges, which is why the Federal Government deemed it fit to offer them free laptops. If you are disabled, you may enroll for free laptops for the disabled upon meeting the eligibility requirements. You can apply through the Federal Government or receive free laptops from other eligible sources. By having a laptop, disabled people can be independent and use the device to work from home.